Select your membership and become part of the oldest and largest British Chamber in China mainland. Our Chamber provides an invaluable conduit of information, professional expertise and business insights. By joining, you not only gain access to this wealth of resources, but also become an important contributor to it as well.
Please note that non-British foreign entity members cannot run for the Executive Committee, and may not have the same access to events held in conjunction with the UK government.
For further questions, please contact
For the top British brands - by invitation only.
Members of this exclusive club enjoy substantial benefits, including:
Company Criteria
A foreign enterprise (joint venture, WFOE or representative office) with at least 50% foreign equity ownership.
Membership Benefits
Membership Criteria
Membership Benefits
* Additional associate members for Small Enterprise costs RMB 1,590 per person.
For the top Chinese brands - by invitation only.
Members of this exclusive club enjoy substantial benefits, including:
Company Criteria
A locally owned company or company originally founded in China.
Membership Benefits