Event Details
This online session will start with the basic rules of mind mapping. Through practice and combining with your existing workplace knowledge, experience and tools, you will quickly manage your personal knowledge. Although the process of organising knowledge does not allow us to move forward, but it allows us to avoid going back to the starting point. This session will be conducted in Chinese.
3:50pm-4:00pm ZOOM登录
4:00pm-4:10pm 思维导图概念及读图原则解密
4:10pm-4:20pm 思维导图的构成要素及绘制步骤
4:20pm-4:50pm 思维导图绘制知识地图建立个人知识库
4:50pm-5:00pm 思维导图工具推荐及使用方法介绍
5:00pm-5:30pm Q&A答疑
提交注册后,系统将向您发送确认电子邮件(发件方为 The British Chamber of Commerce Shanghai<no-reply@eventbank.com>)。 如果您没有收到确认邮件(请检查垃圾邮件箱),请联系Hilary Wu。
本线上课程将通过ZOOM进行。 活动开始前一天,您将收到包含ZOOM会议ID和密码的邮件。请提前安装ZOOM手机端APP或电脑端插件。
In case of cancellation, please kindly note you must email the BritCham Shanghai Event staff Hilary.Wu@britishchambershanghai.cn before 5pm, Wednesday, 25 March. Due to the service charges of Event Bank and online payment platforms, we can only partially refund up to 90% of your ticket price and payment will be processed within 14 days after the event via your original payment method. However, it is non-refundable for cancellation request made beyond the above mentioned timeframe.