Event Details







  • 3:50pm-4:00pm ZOOM登录
  • 4:00pm-4:10pm 1、故事:原来营养课可以设计成这样
  • 4:10pm-4:25pm 2、分类:世界上的课程因分类更清晰
  • 4:25pm-4:50pm 3、开场:勾勾手,让学员心甘情愿跟你走
  • 4:50pm-5:00pm 4、教授:不同的类型课程要按照不同方式教
  • 5:00pm-5:30pm Q&A 答疑


Participants can send their questions in advance using the registration form.

This webinar will be conducted via ZOOM. You will receive an email with a ZOOM meeting ID and password one day before the event. Please ensure your email address is valid, and please make sure to check your junk box as well.

In case of cancellation, please kindly note you must email the BritCham Shanghai Event staff Hilary.Wu@britishchambershanghai.cn before 4pm, 7 May. Due to the service charges of Event Bank and online payment platforms, we can only partially refund up to 90% of your ticket price and payment will be processed within 14 days after the event via your original payment method. However, it is non-refundable for cancellation request made beyond the above mentioned timeframe.


  • 黄铮


    ⚫ 课程设计专家创新工作坊设计师
    ⚫ 香港大ICB学院
    ⚫ 产品设计与服务创新专业 研究生
    ⚫ 混沌大学领教营第二期学员

    中国引导式培训的先行者,开创了多门引导式培训的版权课程,帮助多家企业和个人设计过 优质的课程,跨越多个领域。利用脑科学等领域的专业知识,影响国人学习效果。黄老师一 直以来用一句话来约束自己“以学员为中心,以教会为目的”。 为了实践课程设计的理念,黄铮老师一年开发一门版权课的速度,不断推出新课。持续输出 原创精品课程


    风趣幽默,大多听黄铮老师课程的学员都说跟听相声似的 使用视觉,大量运用视觉,上课期间学员的手机都是用来拍照的 高互动性,所有课程都是训练环节,学员很烧脑,但身体确很兴奋 引导教学,老师使用引导技术教学,让学员成为课程的主宰。

    view more


Member Ticket

This webinar will be conducted via ZOOM. You will receive an email with a ZOOM meeting ID and password one day before the event. Please ensure your email address is valid, and please make sure to check your junk box as well.

Member Price Complimentary
Non-member Ticket

This webinar will be conducted via ZOOM. You will receive an email with a ZOOM meeting ID and password one day before the event. Please ensure your email address is valid, and please make sure to check your junk box as well.

Standard Price RMB 150