Select your ticket(s). If you have any questions, please contact us.
Ticket Name
Total %
Member Football Team Ticket
RMB 3,975 per team of 7 (max for 12), including lunch vouchers for the team. Member’s teams only (players should be company full staff only). Due to the limited number of football teams, the priority goes to Chamber members. *Price is inclusive of 6% VAT taxes, ticket price includes food vouchers. If you cannot have a whole team and want to join in, please email the BritCham Shanghai Event staff
Member Price No approval required
Member Badminton Team Ticket
RMB 588 per team of TWO, including 2 lunch vouchers for the team. *Price is inclusive of 6% VAT taxes, ticket price includes food vouchers.
Member Price No approval required
Member Tennis Team Ticket
RMB 588 per team of TWO, including 2 lunch vouchers for the team. *Price is inclusive of 6% VAT taxes, ticket price includes food vouchers.
Member Price No approval required
Member Booth Ticket
RMB 1,272*/each (including 3m x 3m tent, 1 table, 2 chairs, no electrical power) *Price is inclusive of 6% VAT taxes. If you cannot have a whole team and want to join in, please email the BritCham Shanghai Event staff
Member Price No approval required
Non-member Football Team Tickets
For nonmembers’ registrations will be on the approval list and the nonmember price is RMB 5,989. *Price is inclusive of 6% VAT taxes, ticket price includes food vouchers. If you cannot have a whole team and want to join in, please email the BritCham Shanghai Event staff
Standard Price Approval required
Non-member Badminton Ticket
RMB 788 per team of TWO, including 2 lunch vouchers for the team. *Price is inclusive of 6% VAT taxes, ticket price includes food vouchers.
Standard Price Approval required
Non-member Tennis Team Ticket
RMB 788 per team of TWO, including 2 lunch vouchers for the team. *Price is inclusive of 6% VAT taxes, ticket price includes food vouchers.
Standard Price Approval required
Non-member Booth Ticket
RMB 2,120*/each (including 3m x 3m tent, 1 table, 2 chairs, no electrical power) *Price is inclusive of 6% VAT taxes.