Event Details
目标与内容 Objectives and Content
As a newly appointed manager, if you have any concerns regarding people management, this training course is just right for you! This management skills training equips you with proven supervisory techniques that you can put into action immediately. With the help of these management skills, you'll be able to meet your new challenges with increased confidence, respect and power. You will feel more confident, trust your potentials, and be more eager to face the challenges and opportunities of the future. You will be more efficient and have more time to perform the creative and strategic thinking about your group, your division or even your company!
参加对象 Target Group
Supervisors and managers with less management experience, experienced managers with little or no formal leadership training, Aspiring and soon-to-be-promoted managers.
大纲 Outline
• The manager's role and responsibililty
• Quality and capability of a good manager
• Understand your management style
• Effective communication skills
• Skills of training, coaching, motivation and delegation
• Building a high-performance team
• 管理者的角色和责任
• 优秀管理者的应具备的素质
• 了解自己的管理风格
• 高效沟通技巧
• 训练、激励、授权与培训下属的技巧
• 建立高绩效团队的技巧
Fee includes lectures, course materials and lunch.
包 括 会 务 费, 资 料 费, 午 餐 费。
Participants can send their questions in advance using the registration form.
In case of cancellation, please kindly note you must email the BritCham Shanghai Event staff Hilary.Wu@britishchambershanghai.cn before 1pm, 1 Sep. Due to the service charges of Event Bank and online payment platforms, we can only partially refund up to 90% of your ticket price and payment will be processed within 14 days after the event via your original payment method. However, it is non-refundable for cancellation request made beyond the above mentioned timeframe.