Event Details
1 day high impact Leadership Master Class – The CALagility System for faster results in uncertain times with less stress
A Master Class introducing a new and international award-winning approach to organisational leadership that has demonstrably helped leaders deal with Covid 19 uncertainties.
Completed in advance:
- Individual self-assessment that shows how agile/adaptive, responsive, effective, balanced and overall enabling the choices of leadership strategy are (available in Chinese and English). Highly customised report will give specific suggestions for further exploration in the master class. Participants will be able to compare their own confidential score with cohort peers as well as a global normative data base.
- Self- assessment for teams/organisation being led, looking at the principles need for dynamic and agile self-organisation. Participants will be able to compare their own confidential score with cohort peers as well as a global normative data base.
Master Class. Participants will receive:
A high impact interactive experiential workshop that will introduce a genuinely new approach (NOT "old wine, new bottle"!). This will cover:
- WHY leadership paradigm needs to change based on modern western complexity science
- WHAT principles need to be in place, so as to leverage hidden potential that commonly exists in teams and organisations
- HOW to get better results in uncertain times for less stress
Materials include:
- Customised and confidential individual report on leadership capability
- Customised and confidential report on team/organisation being led
- Signed copy of book "Future Leadership" (Chinese copy)
- Learning log to capture key action points to take away and try out
- Aide memoire of key points
After Master Class:
- Access to articles and further reading
- Discount for further CAL workshops
Participants can send their questions in advance using the registration form.
In case of cancellation, please kindly note you must email the BritCham Shanghai Event staff Hilary.Wu@britishchambershanghai.cn before 9 am, 10 August.. Due to the service charges of Event Bank and online payment platforms, we can only partially refund up to 90% of your ticket price and payment will be processed within 14 days after the event via your original payment method. However, it is non-refundable for cancellation request made beyond the above mentioned timeframe.